MICKEY MOUSE: Mega Mort's in trouble!
Come on gang, we've gotta save him!

GOOFY: But he's the bad guy.
MICKEY MOUSE: Bad guy or not, he needs saving. And that's what heroes do. Up and
ALL: Let's save the day!
GOOFY: Golly! How are we gonna stop that zig-zagging zeppy-lin?
MICKEY MOUSE: By working together!
We're gonna wrap up that zeppelin

with wonder Minnie's super wonder bows.
MINNIE: Ready!
MICKEY MOUSE: Upsy Daisy, you help move Super Goof and Dynamo Duck down to the ground.
DAISY: I'm on it!
MICKEY MOUSE: And Super Power Pup and I will hand the bows off to you guys. So be ready to pull down that zeppelin.
BOTH: You bet.
MICKEY MOUSE: Go, Wonder Minnie, go!
Super Wonder bows away!

MICKEY MOUSE: Come on, Super Power Pup, let's do our thing!
MICKEY MOUSE: OK. Let's work together! Oh, boy, we did it! By working together!
MEGA MORT: You, uh, rescued me? After all that I did?
That's what heroes do.

DAISY: We saved the day!
MEGA MORT: Well, I gotta tell ya, I'm touched. Thank you.
GOOFY: You're welcome, Mr. Mega Mort.
MEGA MORT: Um, you know, Mega Mort's not really my name. It's Mortimer, Mortimer Mouse. And I'm your new neighbor. Isn't that a slice of pie? Ha-cha-cha!
Mortimer Mouse, neighbors do not go around shrinking everything.

MEGA MORT: You're right. I'm sorry.
DONALD DUCK: Look out!
GOOFY: He's gonna shrink us!
MEGA MORT: No, no, take it easy, fellas. You got me all wrong. I wanna turn everything back to its normal size. Starting with you two.
See other parts:
Mickey Mouse Clubhouse song
Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Super Adventure
Clubhouse heroes are your super pals
We need to work together
Check a list and see
Make big things little
Let's save the day
We've got to catch
All our super mouseketools
Let's stop that zeppelin
11. Super wonder bows away
Clubhouse with my new friends
Hot Dog Dance