It's just like the rodeo roundup I wanted!

I love the underwater range
where the cow-cod and the
seahorses play.
It's peaceful and homely, just like the Clubhouse only.

It's wetter most every day!
BEEPER: Ping-ping! Warning! Ping-ping! Warning!
MINNIE: Uh-oh!
Captain Mickey, what is it?

MICKEY MOUSE: The super-sonar beeper has spotted green wavy shapes.
MINNIE: The green wavy shapes must be seaweed, but, oh, dear! There's something caught in it!
GOOFY: It's...
It's not a sea monster,

Goofy. It's octo-Pete. Again!
PETE: Ahoy, fellow denizens of the deep! I got eight arms, but I could really use a helping hand here. You know, as in help, please?
GOOFY: Gawrsh, poor octo-Pete. We can't leave him caught like that!
DAISY: But what can we use to get him out of the seaweed?
MICKEY MOUSE: A Mouseketool! Right, sea-dog Pluto! Everybody say: oh, toodles!
ALL: Oh, toodles!
TOODLES: It's toodles to the rescue-dles!
MICKEY MOUSE: We have the giant fork

and the mystery Mouseketool. What could we use to get octo-Pete out of the seaweed?
GOOFY: How about the giant fork? Maybe
we can use it to roll up the seaweed like spaghetti!

MICKEY MOUSE: We've got ears, say cheers!
PETE: Pasta fazool! I asked for a helping hand and I got one! Oh gee, I don't know what to say!
MICKEY MOUSE: Aw, don't mention it! Well, we'll be on our way now. Wait just a second. You know, you helped me,
so now I want to help you.

ALL: Huh?
PETE: I know what's at the bottom of the lake, but I didn't want you to find it.
MINNIE: You didn't? Oh! That's not very nice, octo-Pete.
PETE: I know. And I'm sorry, little lady. I was being kind of, uh...
MINNIE: Selfish?
PETE: Yeah, that's the word. But
I don't want to be selfish anymore.

How's about we all go check out the big something together?
MICKEY MOUSE: Let's do it!
PETE: Here we are, sea Captain Mickey, the bottom of Mickey Lake. And there's what you've been lookin' for!
Watch Clubhouse Sea Captain Mickey Mouse video
See other parts:
Mickey Mouse Clubhouse song
A great big something
Mickey Lake Clubhouse submarine
Dive, diving song
Need eight things
Take a seaweed safari song
School of gooey fish
8. Clubhouse Sea Captain Mickey Mouse
Rubber ducky free
Hot Dog Dance