written by John Kavanaugh and Craig Gerber, performed by Jennifer Hale (Cinderella) and Ariel Winter (Sofia) Lyrics
CINDERELLA: Your amulet brought me here, it links all the princesses that ever were.

And when one of us is in trouble, another will come to help. Why are you so sad, Sofia?
SOFIA: I tried to use a magic spell to make myself a good dancer, but it put everyone to sleep. I should have just let them laugh at me.
Can you undo the spell?

CINDERELLA: Only you can do that. But I think I can help you find your way.
Everyone's heard about the day that true love came for me

He carried me off and far away from my step-family
but ever since I wed the prince and left my hurt behind.
There's one regret won't forget that weighs upon my mind
My stepsisters let their jealousy harden their heart

But when they ruined my ball gown that's not all they tore apart
if only we had tried to see a way to start anew
We may have found that this time 'round our friendship only grew
We could have been true sisters if we only made amends and ever after friends
You suddenly feel that all is lost frightened and alone

But maybe yours isn't the only heart that's sinking like a stone
though many of the ones you love are frozen in a trance.
Someone who's a lot like you never made it to the dance
SOFIA: But Amber's been so mean to me.
CINDERELLA: Perhaps all she needs is a second chance.

CINDERELLA [singing]: You could be true sisters
SOFIA: Sisters
CINDERELLA: If you only make amends. True, true sisters
SOFIA: Sisters
BOTH: And ever after friends!
Watch Sofia the First True Sisters song video
See other parts:
Sofia The First Main Title Theme
Sofia the First Once Upon a Princess
Sofia the First new member of the royal family
Sofia the First I'm not ready to be a princess song
Sofia the First have princess school
Sofia the First Royal Prep song
Sofia the First welcome all the new students
Sofia the First where the magic happens
Sofia the First A Little Bit of Food song
Sofia the First know for the ball
Sofia the First needed dance lessons
12. Sofia the First Cinderella True Sisters song
Sofia the First get the spell book