MICKEY MOUSE: Let's head back to the clubhouse and do the Hot Dog Dance.
Hot dog Hot dog
Hot dog, hot dog,
Hot diggety dog
Now, we got ears
It's time for cheers
Hot dog, hot dog,
The problem's solved
Hot dog, hot dog
Hot diggety dog.
MICKEY MOUSE: Thanks for watching Mickey's Comet today. Oh, I sure had fun and I hope you did too.

And thanks for doing the Hot Dog Dance. Yeah. What a hot-dog day.
CHORUS [SINGING]: Hot dog, hot dog hot diggety dog

It's a brand new day
What a waiting for?

Get up, stretch out, stomp on the floor
Hot dog, hot dog
Hot diggety dog
Hot dog, hot dog
Hot diggety dog

We're splitting the scene
We're full of beans
So long for now from Mickey Mouse
MICKEY MOUSE: That's me.
CHORUS [SINGING]: And the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.
MICKEY MOUSE: Aww, thanks for stopping by.
Watch Hot Dog Dance video
See other parts:
1. You can see Mickey's Comet
2. Pluto-Cam
3. A giant button
4. A green circle
5. Upside down
6. Steps to find the secret
7. Is your telescope
8. Hot Dog Dance