The flashing light message is coming from over there. Come on. MARTIAN MICKEY: Oh, boy. I've always heard Earthlings are friendly. And now I see they're handsome too. My name's Martian Mickey. MICKEY MOUSE: And I'm, uh, well, Earth Mickey. But everybody just calls me Mickey. And

these are my pals, Goofy, Daisy and Pluto. MARTIAN MICKEY: Nice to meet you, Goofy. Hiya, Daisy. DAISY: Hi. MARTIAN MICKEY: And hello there, Pluto. What a good dog. Ha, ha. You know, I have a dog too. Pluto from Earth meet Pluto from Pluto. DAISY: Martian Mickey, we got your flashing-light message. So how can we help? MARTIAN MICKEY: Well, yesterday Pluto from Pluto and

I buried a very special Martian Treasure to keep it safe. But we forgot where we buried our treasure. And we can't start our Martian Moon Festival without it. MICKEY MOUSE: Aw. Don't worry, Martian Mickey. We'll help you find the treasure. MARTIAN MICKEY: You will? Oh, boy. But, well, all I can remember is that we buried the treasure in red sand. GOOFY: Well, that's a start. MARTIAN MICKEY: Not really. You see,

all of Mars is covered in red sand. DAISY: Well, let's go over everything you did before you buried the treasure. That will help us find it. GOOFY: Okay, Martian Mickey. What's the first thing you did? MARTIAN MICKEY: Hmm. First, we went to the top of the highest hill to look around for a good place to bury the treasure. DAISY: Then we'll go there too. Let's get moving, boys. GOOFY: Gosh. This here hill's plenty high, all right. Whoa, whoa! Oh! Heh. And steep too. How are we gonna get up it? MARTIAN MICKEY: Well, fly, of course. DAISY: But we can't fly.

We don't have rockets on our feet. MARTIAN MICKEY: Gosh, I thought everyone had rockets on their feet. MICKEY MOUSE: Nope, but we have something of our own. Everybody say, "Oh, Toodles." ALL: Oh, Toodles. MARTIAN MICKEY: Oh, Toodles? Watch Special Martian Treasure
See other parts:
1. Mickey Mouse Clubhouse song
2. Mickey's Message from Mars
3. Many space travelers
4. Special Martian Treasure
5. Giant Building Blocks
6. Sea of Sticky Sand
7. Yum-Blatz Dance
8. Martian Moon Festival
9. Hot Dog Dance