Princess Sofia The First
A young village girl who making his way became a princess overnight. In a school that's just for royalty,
Princess Sofia want to show all that she's the first.

Queen Miranda
After Miranda Cordova, Sofia's mother, placed a slipper who perfectly fit on the King Roland II's foot, they fell in love and soon were married and
she become the Queen of Enchancia

King Roland II
King of Enchancia, husband of Queen Miranda, father of Princess Amber and Prince James
stepfather of Princess Sofia.

Princess Amber | Sofia the First
As Princess of Enchancia, Amber is the daughter of King Roland II and stepdaughter of Queen Miranda, the sister of Prince James and
stepsister of Princess Sofia

Prince James
As Prince of Enchancia, James is the son of King Roland II and stepson of Queen Miranda, the brother of Prince Amber and
stepbrother of Princess Sofia

Cedric royal sorcerer
The royal sorcerer of Enchancia, Cedric the Sensational comes from along line of sorcerers and, as King Roland II said,
we're stuck with him.

Baileywick castle steward
King Roland II's castle of Enchancia very dutiful steward who also
give advice and guidance to Sofia.

Clover rabbit | Sofia The First
Sofia's favorite companion pet and best confidant friend who
help princess because Clover gotta eat and Sofia got the food.