PROFESSOR VON DRAKE: Space explorers, come in please. GOOFY: Oh, look who's gonna be the captain of this ship: Me. PROFESSOR VON DRAKE: Roger that, Captain Goofy. Donald, Minnie and I will be watching here from Clubhouse Mission Control. It's time for the countdown. Donald, could you begin with the numbers, counting down from ten to one, please? DONALD DUCK: Okay, professor. Ten, nine, eight

MINNIE: All systems looking great. DONALD DUCK: Seven, six, five GOOFY: I get to drive MINNIE: Four, three, two, best of luck, space crew DONALD DUCK: One, have fun, and blast off. GOOFY: We're on our way to Mars out here among the stars MINNIE: Bone voyage, space crew. DONALD DUCK: Best of luck to all of you GOOFY: Sit back, we'll be there soon DAISY: Watch out / You'll hit the moon. [SPEAKING] I meant that. Watch out. You'll hit the moon. GOOFY: Gosh. MICKEY MOUSE: Great steering, Goof. GOOFY: That's why I'm the captain. DAISY: Uh-oh. Captain Goofy, looks like something else might be in our way. PETE: Ahoy there, rocket ship.

Pete's my name and collecting space tolls is my game. If you wanna get past me, you gotta pay the price. Three beans for each space traveler. GOOFY: Gosh. Will you help us figure out how many beans we need to pay Pete? Thanks. DAISY: Oh, goody-goody. So

how many space travelers are on the rocket ship? There's Mickey, Pluto, Goofy and me. That makes one, two, three, four space travelers. And Pete wants three beans for each of us. Help me count how many beans we need for all of us, okay? One, two, three. Four, five, six. Seven, eight, nine. Ten, 11, 12. That's 12 beans we have to pay to get past Pete. GOOFY: Sure is lucky, I always keep exactly 12 beans in my hat. PETE: Thanks for the beans, old bean. Ha, ha. Oh! Sputtering Sputniks.

Where's gravity when you need it? MICKEY MOUSE: Come on, let's help Pete with a Mouseketool. Everybody say, "Oh, Toodles." ALL: Oh, Toodles. MICKEY MOUSE: Hmm. We have giant building blocks, a butterfly net, a carpet and the Mystery Mouseketool. Can any of these help Pete catch the floating beans? GOOFY: I know. The butterfly net. That's always good for catching stuff. MICKEY MOUSE: We've got ears, say, "cheers." PETE: Say, thanks. This ought to do her. There's one. And a two, three, four. Good. Five, six, seven. Eight, nine, ten, 11. And 12. Ha, ha!
Watch Many space travelers
See other parts:
1. Mickey Mouse Clubhouse song
2. Mickey's Message from Mars
3. Many space travelers
4. Special Martian Treasure
5. Giant Building Blocks
6. Sea of Sticky Sand
7. Yum-Blatz Dance
8. Martian Moon Festival
9. Hot Dog Dance