Goofy: We need somethingto lift that big old duckyall the way
to the top: the handy crane! Donald Duck: Let's get that ducky!
Minnie: Yay!
Mickey Mouse: We did it!
Minnie: Now let's make the bed!
Clarabelle: Why, of course. I can always use the extra help. The more Goofys, the merrier!
Minnie: Oh, dear me! And dear Goofys, too. Be careful, boys.
Clarabelle: Oh, Mickey, we need a Mouseketool to get those Goofys down safely.
Mickey Mouse: Oh, you're right, Clarabelle.
The handy crane can pick up the Goofys
and safely put them down on the ground.
Goofy 1: Saved by the seat of my pants.
Goofy 2: This is my stop.
Goofy 3: Ground floor, all out.
Goofys: Thanks for the Mouseke-toodly help, Mickey!
Mickey Mouse: Oh,
you're welcome, Goofys.
Mickey Mouse: Come on!
You can help Coco use the Handy Crane
to pull Goofy out. Just reach out, and on the count of three, pull! Ready? One, two, three, pull!
Goofy: Yippee! It worked! Nice pulling!
Goofy: Boy, is that sword stuck!
Mickey Mouse: Can any of these help us pull the Silver Sword from the rock?
Goofy: I bet the
old handy crane is strong enough
to do the trick!
Mickey Mouse: Okay, then, the Handy Crane it is.
Goofy: I've got the Silver Sword for Queen Clarabelle!
Minnie: Which Mouseketool can help us
reach the other giant eggshells
in the river and lift them out of the way?
Daisy: Yes, yes! The handy crane can do the job!
Clarabelle: Okay. We're controlling the crane. Ooh, I've always wanted to do this! Which way should we move the Handy Helper to grab the eggshells? Should we move it up or down? Down. Right. We've got them! Now which way should we move the Handy Helper to pull the eggshells out of the river? Up or down? Up! Right!
Goofy: Thanks for saving us, Go-Getters!
Donald Duck: Bye!
Daisy: If we don't get that gooey fish out of our way, we'll never catch Pete!
Minnie: And then we'll never get the Crystal Mickey and the Meeska-Mooska-magic back!
Mickey Mouse: Its two big hands can pick up the gooey fish and move it.
Donald Duck: Oh, boy!
What a catch!
Mickey Mouse: You hooked a big one, Donald.
Donald Duck: Well, this is embarrassing.
Daisy: I think it's kind of funny.
Donald Duck: It is not!
Mickey Mouse: We need to get Donald's roof down. And I know who can help us.
Daisy: How about we try the Handy Crane? It can pick up Donald's roof and hold it until we need it!
Donald Duck: Hey! That's a good idea, Daisy!
The Handy crane sure is handy.
Martian Minnie: Let's start with the lights. Take the end, Minnie. OK, Minnie! Take the other end to the top of that tree.
Daisy: How are you going to get up there? You don't have rockets in your boots like Martian Minnie.
Daisy: The handy crane could lift you up!
We'll give you a lift, Minnie!
Minnie: There. How's that?
Martian Minnie: Just perfect!
Donald Duck: Ooh! Look at that!
Goofy: Twinkly!