Jeannie Harper is Louie's best friend. She often defends Louie from local bullies like Glen Glenn.
GLEN GLENN: What are you gonna do, well? LOUIE: Nothing you got me in a headlock. That's right, teach you to say my name without permission. LOUIE [narrating]: By now you're probably wondering why I even went out at recess. JEANNIE HARPER: Come down. I said put him down. GLEN GLENN: Why should I? JEANNIE: If you don't, I'll kiss you on the lips and give you cooties. GLEN GLENN: Yuck, see you tomorrow Lulu! LOUIE [narrating]: And she was by far the most beautiful fifth grader in the world. Of course I could never tell her thanks.
JEANNIE HARPER: Louie what are you doing here? Do you know what time it is? LOUIE: Time for me to do something I should have done hours ago. I wrote you a song. Just listen, please! Jeannie I'm sorry well what I did. I wrecked the concert, I'll flip my lid. Oh Jeannie try this on for size please forgive me, I apologize. So what do you think? JEANNIE HARPER: I just have one thing to say. JEANNIE'S FATHER: Jeannie telephone, it's Sean. JEANNIE HARPER: Will you tell them I'll call him tomorrow. I'm kind of in the middle of something here. LOUIE: What were you gonna tell me? JEANNIE HARPER: Just this, play it again Louie!
ANDY: Stop, normally again! MIKE GRUNEWALD: That's your dad Louie? LOUIE: Yeah! TODDLER TOBOLINSKI: You're in trouble. JEANNIE HARPER: We gotta help him. LOUIE: There's a liner on the side now let's get it.