
The Goat Song can be heard at JumpStart Toddlers game.
Hello I'm a billy goatA billy goat, a silly goat!
Hello I'm a billy goat
I've got horns on my head and a fuzzy coat!
Vocals performed by Beth Marlin LichterWritten by Beth Marlin Lichter and Jon Baker
Songs arranged and recorded by Jon Baker at the Bakery
(c) 1996 Knowledge Adventure, Inc.
Goats have been used for milk, meat, fur, and skins across much of the world. Milk from goats is often turned into goat cheese.
Female goats are referred to as does or nannies, intact males are called bucks or billies, and juvenile goats of both sexes are called kids. Castrated males are called wethers. While the words hircine and caprine both refer to anything having a goat-like quality, hircine is used most often to emphasize the distinct smell of domestic goats.
Watch the song

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