PRINCESS SOFIA: A mermaid whose little sister is in trouble. PRINCESS CORA: You! SVEN THE SEAHORSE: Just cool your fins, Cora. PRINCESS CORA: Where's my sister?

SVEN THE SEAHORSE: Sofia is telling the truth. I saw the sea monster with my own eyes. Both of them. PRINCESS CORA: You did? PRINCESS SOFIA: He's after Oona's comb, and he knows magic.

You're Oona's big sister, and the only way to save her is for us to work together. PRINCESS CORA: You said the monster wants Oona's comb? PRINCESS SOFIA: That's what she told me. PRINCESS CORA: Then we have to free her before he gets it. It has the power to control the ocean. PRINCESS SOFIA: It does? PRINCESS CORA: Mom gave the comb to Oona so no one would abuse its powers. But she doesn't even know what it can do. She should have given it to me. I know how to use it. And then Oona wouldn't be in danger.

PRINCESS SOFIA: So will you help me? PRINCESS CORA: Anything for Oona. PRINCESS SOFIA: But what about the storm? We have to stop it before it gets too big and sinks our palace. SVEN THE SEAHORSE: Don't worry. I can stop Queen Emmaline. PRINCESS CORA: You and what army, Sven? SVEN THE SEAHORSE: This one, Cora. Actually, this is just the immediate family. We'll pick up the cousins on the way.

Let's hit the waves, gang! PRINCESS SOFIA: Come on! CLOVER THE RABBIT: Where are you, Sofia? Ohh! Aha! What are you doing back here? FARLEY THE SEAGULL: Oona's still in danger, so I thought you and I could team up. We'll be unstoppable. CLOVER THE RABBIT:

Operation mermaid rescue has begun. PLANK: The storm isn't big enough yet. Bring forth a typhoon. QUEEN EMMALINE: So be it. PLANK: What's wrong? QUEEN EMMALINE: My trident! SVEN THE SEAHORSE: We got it! Let's go, fellas!

PLANK: Give the queen her trident! QUEEN EMMALINE: Sven! What's gotten into you? SVEN THE SEAHORSE: Oona was taken by a sea monster. I saw her! QUEEN EMMALINE: You did? PLANK: Impossible! The human must have bewitched you, Sven. Give the queen her trident. SVEN THE SEAHORSE: Sorry, Plank, no can do. PLANK: Sven! Get back here! BAILEYWICK: Your majesties. QUEEN MIRANDA: Did you find Sofia? BAILEYWICK: She's not in her room, but

I have all the servants looking for her. I'll bring her here as soon as we find her. QUEEN MIRANDA: Okay, but be quick. CEDRIC: At last, I have found the spell that will retrieve your comb! Eclypso facto! Break the charms and float into my waiting arms! MERMAID PRINCESS OONA: Nooooo! PRINCESS SOFIA: Not so fast, Mr. Sea-Monster! CEDRIC: Give me the comb, and

I'll let your mermaid friend go. MERMAID PRINCESS OONA: Don't give it to him, Sofia. PRINCESS SOFIA: Don't worry. I have a plan. What are you going to do if I don't give it to you? Make me vanish or something? CEDRIC: Yes! That's exactly what I'll do! No! MERMAID PRINCESS OONA: Sofia! CEDRIC: Oh, you leave me no choice! Vanitzo wayfaria! MERMAID PRINCESS OONA: You tricked him? PRINCESS SOFIA: Uh-huh. CEDRIC: But you won't trick me again! CLOVER THE RABBIT: Aaahhhh! Blackout device deployed! PRINCESS SOFIA: Clover! FARLEY THE SEAGULL:

Magic wand secured. Magic wand unsecured. CEDRIC: Your animal friends can't help you this time. PRINCESS SOFIA: But my mermaid friend can! Cora! MERMAID PRINCESS OONA: Cora! CEDRIC: Cora! PRINCESS CORA: Waters rise at my command! CEDRIC: Aahhhh! MERMAID PRINCESS OONA: Thanks for rescuing me, Sofia. PRINCESS SOFIA: It wasn't just me. PRINCESS CORA: Oona! MERMAID PRINCESS OONA: Cora! You saved me!

I guess having a big sister looking out for me isn't such a bad thing after all. PRINCESS CORA: Here. This belongs to you. MERMAID PRINCESS OONA: Thanks. Maybe you can show me how to use it some time. PRINCESS CORA: Sure. If mom lets me. MERMAID PRINCESS OONA: Right. PRINCESS SOFIA: Come on!

We have to find your mom! SVEN THE SEAHORSE: Swim, seahorses, swim! PLANK: Sven! MERMAID PRINCESS OONA: Mom! QUEEN EMMALINE: Oona! You're all right! You're all right! MERMAID PRINCESS OONA: Thanks to Sofia. PLANK: What? PRINCESS CORA: You were wrong about her, Plank. We all were. QUEEN EMMALINE: I'm sorry. I don't know what to say.
Watch Sofia the First big sister looking out
See other parts:
1. Sofia The First Main Title Theme
2. Sofia the First The Floating Palace
3. Sofia the First Like a mermaid
4. Sofia the First New world under the sea
5. Sofia the First Merroway Cove song
6. Sofia the First We can trust her
7. Sofia the First Will get your comb
8. Sofia the First really need your help
9. Sofia the First went up to a ship
10. Sofia the First Princess Ariel help
11. Sofia the First The Love We Share song
12. Sofia the First big sister looking out
13. Sofia the First we can be friends