MICKEY MOUSE: I got a song, that comes straight from my heart!
I got a song, I hope you'll like from the start.
I got a rocking song I want to sing for you and you!

MICKEY MOUSE: Hi everybody! I'm just working on a new song, but I still need to figure out how it ends! Today we're putting on a Clubhouse battle of the bands. That's a fun contest and all of our friends are going to be in it! Hi Minnie! Oh!
I mean, pop star Minnie!

MINNIE: Hello there, Mickey! Oh, I can't wait to sing today at the battle of the bands, and I, um, was wondering.
What do you think about you and me doing a song together?

MICKEY MOUSE: Why, that's a great idea, Minnie! The rocking Mickey and pop star Minnie band. Oh gosh, we'll be stars! But I still have to figure out how to end the song.
DONALD DUCK: Mickey! Hey Mickey! Can I be in your band? Can I sing with you?
MICKEY MOUSE: Oh, well. I already promised Minnie that she and I would sing, Donald, but...
DONALD DUCK: You did?! Aw, nuts!
MICKEY MOUSE: Donald, wait! Gee! I was just going to tell him that
we'd be happy to have him sing along with us!

MINNIE: It's ok, Mickey. Maybe we can find him at the contest later and let him know that he is welcome to join our band.
MICKEY MOUSE: Oh, good idea, Min! He's not the only one who could sing with us.
Would you like to join us For the Clubhouse battle of the bands?

MICKEY MOUSE: Hot dog! You rock! Come on, let's go get our mouseketools. To the mousekedoer! Oh, toodles! It's time to get to it.
CHORUS: Here are your Mouseketools!
MICKEY MOUSE: We've got two wooden spoons. A comb and wax paper. Oh Gee, that's different! Pots and pans. And the mystery mouseketool. That's a surprise tool that can help us later.
MICKEY MOUSE: Toodles has the tools!
Now that
we've got our Mouseketools, let's get rocking!

PROFESSOR VON DRAKE: Hello, and a great big howdy-do, to you everybody! Welcome to the Clubhouse battle of the bands! Now this right here is my newest invention:
the von Drake mouseke-clapper!

Here is how it works. After each band's performance, I would like you to clap your hands. Why don't you clap with me, would you? As you can see, the mouseke-clapper always starts on the number one. When you're clapping, the pointer goes up, up, up. And that way the mouseke-clapper
tells us how much you're all liking that band.

Now watch what happens when you're clapping a little more! How about that? And when you clapping up a storm even more than that, the little pointer goes up even higher. This time from number one to number eight!
MINNIE: Oh, my.
PROFESSOR VON DRAKE: So, the band that's getting the most hand-clapping will going to get the highest number. And that's when they receiving a super special best-est of the best award!
Watch Mickey's Clubhouse Rocks video
See other parts:
Mickey Mouse Clubhouse song
2. Mickey's Clubhouse Rocks
Goofy's shoe garage band Clubhouse Rocks
Daisy and the Chipmunk Chaps Clubhouse Rocks
Clarabelle and her Cluck-Cluck Chickens Clubhouse Rocks
Power Pete's bow-wow band Clubhouse Rocks
Rockin' Mickey and pop star Minnie Clubhouse Rocks
Hot Dog Dance