PETE: This is gonna stop Mickey and his pals from finding the big something. Ooh, I'm such a naughty nautical octo-Pete!
Wake up and skedaddle, fishes!

Hey, whoa. Whoa! Whoa! Oh, sea sludge! I just wanted to
keep Mickey and his pals from finding that big something.
My sneaky scheme is a sinking!

BEEPER: Ping-ping! Warning! Ping-ping! Warning!
MINNIE: Oh, my! What's the super-sonar showing this time, Mickey?
BEEPER: Ping-ping! Warning! Ping-ping! Warning!
MICKEY MOUSE: Something's approaching! Fast!
It's a school of gooey fish!

Oh! And they're swimming right into our path!
MINNIE: Oh, dear! We have to stay out of each others way!
GOOFY: What are we gonna do?!
We need to stop the fish so we can get by safely!

MICKEY MOUSE: We need a Mouseketool! Everybody say: oh, toodles!
ALL: Oh, toodles!
TOODLES: It's toodles!
MICKEY MOUSE: Let's see. We've got a giant fork, a traffic signal and the mystery Mouseketool. What Mouseketool can help us get the
gooey fish to stop?
DAISY: How about the traffic signal?
Its red and green lights can tell the fish when to stop and go!

MICKEY MOUSE: We've got ears, say: cheers!
MINNIE: Now we need to make the traffic signal light up.
MICKEY MOUSE: What color means stop? Red or green? Red! To make the traffic signal turn red, everybody call out, red light! Ready?
ALL: Red light!
MICKEY MOUSE: Hooray! The fish stopped! Now
let's turn the traffic light green

so the fish can go on their way. Everybody call out: green light! Ready?
ALL: Green light!
GOOFY: Holy mackerel, it worked!
MICKEY MOUSE: And we gotta go, too! The big something awaits us!
Watch School of gooey fish Clubhouse video
See other parts:
Mickey Mouse Clubhouse song
A great big something
Mickey Lake Clubhouse submarine
Dive, diving song
Need eight things
Take a seaweed safari song
7. School of gooey fish
Clubhouse Sea Captain Mickey Mouse
Rubber ducky free
Hot Dog Dance