MINNIE: It's nice to meet you boys. CHIP: Where are you from? MINNIE: Pluto and I are from the Clubhouse. CHIP AND DALE: The Clubhouse? CLARABELLE: Ooh, tell us, what kind of place is the Clubhouse? MINNIE: Well, it's a place that must be somewhere far away from here. MINNIE [singing]: Oh, the

Clubhouse is the best place. The best place to be. It's somewhere where friends are for you. CLARABELLE: And for me? MINNIE: Oh, yes. MINNIE [singing]: There's no other place that I'd rather be. 'Cause the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse is the best place. CLARABELLE: It's the best place. BOTH: Yes, it's the best place to be. CLARABELLE: Oh, my goodness. This Clubhouse of yours sounds like a wonderful place. MINNIE: Oh, it is.

All my friends are there and I miss them terribly. So, that's why I really need to get back. CLARABELLE: I know just the thing to help you get back home. MINNIE: You do? CLARABELLE: Oh, those shoes look moo-arvelous. MINNIE: Oh! They sparkle. But how will the shoes help me get back to the Clubhouse? CLARABELLE: That's a very good question. But, silly me, I forget. What do those shoes do? Well,

I know they do something because they're magic shoes. PETE: Did someone say magic shoes? Ooh, I want them. DALE: It's the bad witch. Bad witch Pete. PETE: OK, little lady, just hand over the magic shoes And there won't be any trouble. CLARABELLE: Witch Pete. Those sparkly green shoes aren't for you.

PETE: My hat will help me cast a spell. Let's hope those shoes will fit me real good. Abracadabra... Good witch Clarabelle, you're always bursting my bubble. I'll get those magic shoes if it's the last thing I do. Whoa! I'm OK. CLARABELLE: Now, my dear, where did you say you wanted to go? MINNIE: Home to the Clubhouse. And you said the shoes can help me. CLARABELLE: Oh, yes. Oh, it's too bad I can't remember what those shoes actually do. You know,

there is someone in the Land of Dizz who knows everything. MINNIE: Really? Who? CLARABELLE: Why, the Wizard of Dizz. He's an amazing wizard who lives in the City of Handy Helpers. Maybe he can help you. MINNIE: Oh, I hope so. I have a feeling I'm going to need a lot of help today. Will you help me find the Wizard of Dizz so that Pluto and I can get back home to the Clubhouse? You will? Oh, you're such good friends.

CLARABELLE: I'm going to give you some extra help too, Minnie. Get ready for some wonderful mouseketools. MINNIE: Ooh. CLARABELLE: Behold. Here is the mouseke-dizz. And say hello to woodles. MINNIE: Woodles? You remind me of a friend we have at the Clubhouse. CLARABELLE: Mouseke-wee, mouseke-woo, mouseke-wiz. It's here you'll find the mouseke-dizz. MINNIE: Woodles is bringing the mouseketools? CLARABELLE: Yes, he is. CHIP: Yes, he is. DALE: Yes, he is. ALL: Mouseke-wee, mouseke-woo, mouseke-wiz. Dance on over to the mouseke-dizz!

MINNIE: Just call woodles for a mouseketool. CLARABELLE: That's his biz! CHIP: Yes, it is! DALE: Yes, it is! ALL: Mouseke-wee, mouseke-woo, mouseke-wiz. Mouseke-dee, mouseke-doo, mouseke-dizz. CLARABELLE: Let's see.

We have a pink beach towel. MINNIE: Three colorful turtles. Oh, how fun! CLARABELLE: A pogo stick. And the mystery mouseketool. That's a surprise tool that can help you later. ALL: Just call Woodles for a mouseketool! Mouseke-dee, mouseke-doo, mouseke-dizz! Watch The magic shoes video
See other parts:
1. Mickey Mouse Clubhouse song
2. Clubhouse day party
3. The magic shoes
4. The Scarecrow Goofy
5. Mickey the Tin Mouse
6. Donald the Lion
7. Cross the Water
8. Riddle About Party
9. Witch Pete's Hat
10. Magic Power Back
11. Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Wizard of Dizz
12. Back to the Clubhouse
13. Hot Dog Dance