Let's see!

We have a giant comb, a pony, a megaphone, and the mystery mouseketool. Which mouseketool can carry Princess Daisy
along with us?
DAISY: Yes. The pony.
I can ride the pony!

MICKEY MOUSE: We've got ears, say: cheers!
DAISY: Oh, she's so sweet. And she has a ponytail, too. I think I'll call her, Penelope!
GOOFY: Come on, Penelope, we gotta go to the witch's tower and find the Rapunzel Flower. I made a rhyme. Golly,
it sure is quiet around here.

DONALD DUCK: Fa-la-la la-la-la, la.
DAISY: What's that?
MICKEY MOUSE: It's the traveling troubadours!
DONALD DUCK: Fa-la-la, la-la-la, la!
CHIP AND DALE: Princess Daisy is so fair.
She needs our help to fix her hair!
DONALD DUCK: Fa-la-la, la-la-la, la!
CHIP AND DALE: she's on her way to the witch's tower.
To find the magic Rapunzel Flower.
I just love songs about me!

DONALD DUCK: Fa-la-la, la-la-la, la!
CHIP AND DALE: Just one path goes to the tower.
It's there you'll find the Rapunzel Flower.
DONALD DUCK: Fa-la-la, la-la-la, la!
GOOFY: Oh, gee.
MICKEY MOUSE: It's the witch's tower!
DAISY: Oh, no!
There isn't a way across this bubbly moat.

and we don't have a boat. How will we get to the witch's tower?
GOOFY: Maybe a mouseke-bubble... Uh, I mean, a mouseketool will help us!
MICKEY MOUSE: Good thinking, Sir Goofs-a-lot.
Everybody say: Oh, Toodles!
ALL: Oh, Toodles!
TOODLES: Popping in to help you!
MICKEY MOUSE: OK! we have a giant comb, a megaphone and the mystery mouseketool. Hmm...
Do you think we could use the giant comb like a bridge?

DAISY: Sure! We can walk across it to reach the other side of the moat!
MICKEY MOUSE: It sounds silly, but let's give it a try! We got ears, say cheers!
GOOFY: Onward to the witch's tower!
DONALD DUCK: Fa-la-la, la-la-la, la!
CHIP AND DALE: Princess Daisy crossed the moat.
She used a comb instead of a boat.
DONALD DUCK: Fa-la-la, la-la-la, la!
CHIP AND DALE: She's on her way to the witch's tower.
Let's hope she finds the Rapunzel Flower.
DONALD DUCK: Fa-la-la, la-la-la, la!
What are you looking at?
Watch Ride the pony video
See other parts:
Mickey Mouse Clubhouse song
Daisy's Pony Tale
What should I do with my hair
Find the witch's tower
5. Ride the pony
Need the Rapunzel Flower
Which key will open the door
Being a big witch
Hot Dog Dance