Sofia the First Can talk to animals

SOFIA: Into a town came 20 wizards. Raised their wands and made some blizzards. Can you count how many storms the strongest of the wizards forms?
Watch Sofia the First Can talk to animals feature The curse of Princess Ivy with Princesses Sofia and Amber, Prince James, Clover the rabbit

Sofia the First Want one just like it

CHEF ANDRE: King Roland. KING ROLAND II: Chef Andre. How's the food for tomorrow's anniversary ball coming along?
Watch Sofia the First Want one just like it feature The curse of Princess Ivy with Princesses Sofia and Amber, King Roland II, Baileywick

Sofia the First The curse of Princess Ivy

PRINCESS AMBER: Ahhh. I can't wait to get a princess to appear for me. Now which princess do I want?
Watch Sofia the First The curse of Princess Ivy video feature Princesses Sofia and Amber, Princess Ivy, King Roland II, Queen Miranda, Prince James, Baileywick, Clover the rabbit

Sofia the First A kingdom of my own Princess Ivy song

PRINCESS IVY: But now that this amulet has freed me. I can take over Enchancia and finally have a kingdom of my very own.
Watch Sofia the First A kingdom of my own song performed by Anna Camp (Princess Ivy), written by John Kavanaugh, Craig Gerber, Michael G. Stern, video feature Princess Amber

Sofia the First find a way to break the curse

SOFIA: How could you do this, Amber?
Watch Sofia the First find a way to break the curse feature The curse of Princess Ivy with Princesses Sofia and Amber, Princess Ivy, Cedric
I trusted you. PRINCESS AMBER: I didn't mean for any of this to happen. I just wanted a turn. SOFIA: Well, you got it and now an